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Nabard grade a

Top 15 RBI Grade B Examination Preparation Myths

There are certain myths about the preparation for which the aspirants fall for. This article will discuss about the myths to prevent the candidates from being trapped. To start with, the myths vary from person to person. An experienced person who has appeared for the exam for once already might not fall for the myths as he will have surely learnt from the previous mistakes he has made. Also, he will know what to read and how much to read from where in order to clear the exam. The myths that are going to be discussed are new and will be helpful for the candidates appearing for the first time. And I hope this would be beneficial for them and their preparation goes in the right direction.


Aspirants who score 174 out of maybe 176 feel that they missed the chance by just 3 marks.They think that if they would have scored more 3 marks they would have cleared the interview. But that is a wrong perception that they have. For an example, the total marks was 225, in which the cut off was 176. Even if the person would have scored 180 it is very difficult to clear the interview by scoring 40-45 marks more. It is possible only by luck. So never ever think that you could have cleared only if you would have got more 3 marks.

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It is that ESI and FM are tough, so I shall prepare for them. English is general so I can handle without much preparation.People consider that English would be general and not that tough.They are in a wrong perception because English is as important as ESI and FM and contributes to 100 marks. So if you score well in English you can also increase your overall score. Most of the times even if you don’t score much in ESI and FM but score more in English then your total score increases and you move forward to get a call letter. So, English is equally important.


Economic survey is very big, it’s a waste studying that. Instead I will do smart work and read only summary from various sources. Most of the people believe that since economic survey is vast, reading it from cover to cover is time consuming. Reading summaries from various sources might seem smart but is a very risky and wrong perception. Some of the candidates miss out the opportunity by just 2 or 3 marks , so here we can understand how important all the subjects are. If you attempt around 5-6 questions from economic survey but leave 4 of them. At the end those 4 questions only might decide your fate.


Books mentioned in the RBI syllabus must be important. I shall read all of them and have an advantage over the others. This is nothing but a pressure that develops on us thinking that we have to study all the books mentioned there. Don’t blind your vision, be smart to select what is important and what is not. Rather enquire from some experienced person who has already appeared for the exam. Only few topics have to be read, selectively. All topics need not be studied from those books. Do not try to read the same topic from too many books as that will only create confusion.


I shall clear the first hurdle by clearing phase-I .Then I will concentrate on phase-II. People do feel that phase –I is kind of prelims and they should spend more time preparing that and then concentrate on phase-II. But this is a risky and uncertain plan to clear the exam. Phase-I is just qualifying, though still it is important because you need to clear it to make it to RBI Grade B. Do give time for phase –I but do not waste time over preparing for it. As phase-IIis the one which contributes to the final merit list. Phase-I and II do occur without much gap.  There might be a gap of only 15 days. So if you think of preparing for phase –II after the results of phase-I then you are at the wrong side.


I am preparing for UPSC, so I am very good in ESI, I can crack the exam with little preparation. These aspirants feel that since they are preparing for UPSC, they have a good grasp over ESI but this is a wrong perception. RBI exam is very technical in nature and you need to put a lot of effort in the FM part. RBI Grade B and UPSC are a bit different in nature. UPSC is more of concept based and RBI is more of fact based. Also vice versa in few cases. Hence prepare well for ESI as well.


Reading newspapers are not necessary. Dear friend you cannot crack RBI Grade B without reading the newspaper daily.


All RBI speeches must be learnt word to word. Only few topics have to be heard, selectively. All topics need not be heard and memorised from those speeches. Do not try to learn the same topic from too many speeches as that will only create confusion.


Writing practice is not needed as everything will be multiple choice questions. As there is descriptive English section so you need lots of writing practice also.


English can be practised at the last moment- English should not be taken casually even if you are studying it since school and have written many essays or articles.Scoring well in English could increase your total score which is equally important. It helps to compensate for the less marks obtained in other subjects.


I will not qualify since UPSC candidates are also appearing. RBI is an exam in which candidates from various backgrounds participate. But there is no need of feeling disheartened as you have an equal chance of qualifying with the correct temperament, determination and hard work.

Do you know Nabard grade a exam is conducted for atleast 10-15 different function units. Check more on nabard grade a exam here.


Previous year papers need not be referred as questions won’t be repeated. Yes questions won’t be repeated but there are 50-50 chances. Also you get an idea of the pattern of the questions and as well as the level of difficulty.


Mock papers are not necessary to practice, just seeing the questions would be enough. If you think so then you are under a wrong impression. Practising mock papers will help you to learn to manage time and analyse your flaws.


Phase-I is more important. People do think that phase-I is more important so spend more time preparing that and leave Phase-II for the gap between the exams. But both have to be balanced while preparation as phase-II is important and number of days for preparation after the Phase-I will be only 15. So they have to be equally balanced.


I will spend all the time in preparing as much revision won’t be needed. Most of the aspirants may feel that since they have been preparing for an year, revision is not needed. But revision is equally important for you to be confident enough about your preparation.

So, finally the myths have been busted which should hopefully make the preparation process easy.

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