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DIY in technology

Spearheading DIY (Do it yourself) in technology

Technology software and programming languages have always been a mystery box for people with no prior tech knowledge. For startups and new established companies, software development cost represents bulk of their overall expenditure till date.

Few companies have cracked this puzzle by creating Do it yourself (DIY) software, which have revolutionize the technology sector. Two top names that come in mind are WordPress and Canva. WordPress , with its famous “5 minutes install” is instrumental in powering 34% of worldwide sites, making it clear world’s leader in online web. WordPress is open source and free, and do not require prior knowledge of website making. Canva provide super awesome and simple DIY tool for all the design requirements. It eliminates need of complex and costly softwares like Photoshop, CoralDraw etc, and thus it is instrumental in bringing unit cost in design to bare minimum. Canva is quite popular, and have 20 million monthly customers who produce 36 designs every second.

Tools like WordPress and Canva have helped in lowering entry barriers in technology and thus made way for more and more people in joining internet industry. Internet industry has seen tremendous growth in last few years, and it will continue to do same in near future.

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