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Google Interview process

In this article, we have shared you detailed interview preparation process for Google.

About Google

Google is a world’s top most technology company. Started in 1996 at Stanford University, as a search engine, Google is offering wide range of products and services in technology fields. Google has complete monopoly in search engine markets. It is covering 65% searches in US market and approx. 99% searches in Indian market (Source: Traffic Radius)

Some key products and services from Google

  • Gmail
  • Chrome OS
  • Google AdSense
  • Google AdWords
  • Google Analytics
  • Google App Engine
  • Google Drive
  • Google Earth
  • YouTube
  • Android Studio

Google is ranked at 15th position in Fortune 500 brand list.

Google interviews

How to prepare for Google Interview Process

In general, Google interview consists of 5-6 different phases. There are following rounds of interview process at Google.

  1. Telephonic interview (HR)
  2. Technical interview on phone or coding challenge
  3. Coding assignment (to be done at home)
  4. On site interview (it can be more than 1)
  5. Team matching phase
  6. Hiring committee round

Let us see details of each of the phase of Google interview process.

Telephonic interview

This is basically telephonic round of discussion, taken shortly after Google shortlist your resume. This discussion starts by recruiter briefing about the company, role and interview process. You will be asked questions like your current profile, your current salary and expectation. This round is conducted for finding whether candidate is suited for the Google role or not.

Tips for Google telephonic interview round

  1. Do not take this telephonic discussion lightly. Remember, this is your first barrier, and you will be dropped, if interview find that you are taking things casually, and are not upto the expectation.
  2. Although HR person will details your about the role and company, you are advised to go through job description (shared you earlier by Google HR), and also read more about company.
  3. Follow basic rules – like be ready on time, get your phone charged, make sure you have good working phone
  4. At the end of discussion, make sure to ask 1-2 questions. This will help them believe that you are serious, and interested to work. Don’t get into technical stuff, as the other person might not be aware.
  5. Be courteous

Technical phone interview round at Google

Once Google HR find that you suitable candidate in first screening call, you will move to next round- Technical phone discussion. In this round, you will interact with people working at Google in your department (like Technical department or other). In this round, you will be asked questions to check your technical skills, and to find whether you are capable enough to do the job or not.

Some of the questions that can be asked during telephonic discussion

  1. Data Structure
  2. Algorithms
  3. Guestimate
  4. Programming language related question
  5. Questions on architecture, system design if you are an experienced candidate

See Also:

  • Data Structure and Algorithms questions in Google Interviews
  • Guestimates asked in Google Interview
  • Technical questions asked in Google interviews

Tips for cracking technical phone round at Google

Understand your question completely, before attempting any solution. Make sure you ask whatever doubts you have regarding the question.

If you asked to write code, do not go for complete code with programming syntax. Use pseudo code instead.

Since the time is limited, it is okay if you go for the brute force solution. It is acceptable thing during submission. Interviewer can ask you in the end, about most efficient solution, and you can tell him/her verbally. You can also test for edge cases, to see if you have missed any corner case or not.

Coding assignment round

Once you successfully complete your technical phone round of interview to the satisfaction, you will be now given a take home assignment related to coding.

See also: Examples of Google coding assignment

Tips for coding assignment round at Google

  • Make sure that you understand the assignment well before starting. Clear all your doubts, and about dos and don’t with respect to assignment.
  • Pick the programming language in which you are most comfortable in. If you know Python well, don’t try to work on dart or any new language, just to impress the interviewer.
  • You will be given good amount of time (usually upto a week) to finish the assignment. Make sure to write real code (and not pseudo code) with best possible solution, and testing for all edge cases.
  • Important thing in any coding assignment is how well you document for non-programmer to understand. So make sure you compile your document, flowchart in good manners. Also, make sure you code contains all required comments and hints, for reviewer to understand.
  • Think on code architecture first, and then work. Your directory structure should be clear and well understandable.
  • Write neat and clear code. Use best coding practices.
  • Test your code with regard to performance and syntax errors and warning
  • Last but not least, don’t overwork. You may overburn yourself, and if in case of rejection, you will be very disappointed.

On site interviews

Once you have finished your coding assignment, it is time for face to face interviews at Google office. Congratulations!!

This is multiple rounds of interviews, and will contains written tests for technical profile.Following are the major rounds during online site interviews.

  1. Front end interviews
  2. Back end interviews
  3. Data structure and algorithm rounds
  4. Process/teamwork/culture fit round

Front end interview round

This round is taken by front end engineer at Google, and he/she will ask questions based on front end technologies. You are expected to be proficient in HTML/CSS/JS and should know atleast one of the modern JS frameworks (react/angular/vue etc). Questions will be asked on page performance, interacting with servers, page requests and rendering components on page or mobile. You may be asked to write a code snippet of small assignment.

Back end interview round

This round is taken by back end engineer at Google, and he/she will ask questions on functional programming, data bases and computer network. You will be asked to write pseudo code in this round for a given problem.

Data Structure and algorithms round

Data Structure and algorithms round is one of the favorite of leading tech companies including Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon. You will face atleast 2 rounds of data structures and algorithms interview round. Questions will be asked from Trees, Graphs, Hashtable, Linkedlist and your approach to best performance method is tested. You will be asked to write pseudo code in this round to solve questions.

Sometimes, interviewer might ask puzzles and guestimates in this round.

Teamwork, process and culture fit interview round

This round of interview will contains topics like Agile methodology or workflow, teamwork and collaboration. You approach to handle big projects, manage conflicts and proper work communication is tested in this round.

Team matching phase

Once you are through with onsite interviews, well done, you have passed the hardest part.

In team matching phase, you will meet with prospective managers and discuss the team you will be joining and type of work you will do.

If team manager think that you will fit well in his team, he will give a go ahead to HR team

Hiring committee round

This is the last round of your Google interview process. In this round, your performance in different rounds, right from start, is screened and discussed by team of Googlers. You will be rated on technical skills, soft skills, team work skills etc , and checked if you are upto the mark of Google standards or not. Based on this feedback, Google will decide whether to make an offer or not.

End note

In this article, we have covered interview process at Google, and shared you tips and tricks for each round. This article is based on feedback from people working at Google, and who have given interview tests. In case, you have any feedback or suggestions, you can mail us to, or write on comment threads below.

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Check our articles on other tech companies interview process

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