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major challenges in education sector

What are major challenges in education sector?

Education is an instrument through which lives of people can be transferred. With coming of Right to Education Act of 2009 education to a large extent has universalized itself. Yet theirs remain various challenges which need to be dealt with properly: –

  1. Budget Allocation for education is only 2.5% approximately which should be increased for making education reach every part of the country.
  2. Infrastructure issues are also a big hindrance as State-of-the-art classrooms, the library is not available with the student. Many a timer even basics infrastructure facilities like no washrooms, broken furniture, etc. are often seen in many students of different classes sitting in the same class of studying.
  3. The teacher-student ratio is also a problem as not many people aspire to be a teacher.
  4. Quality education is also a very serious issue as teachers many a time don’t bother for quality. It has all become a race for marks. According to ACER report, 50.3% of class 5th students do not have the ability of reading and solving maths questions of 2nd class.
  5. The obsolete curriculum is yet another challenge. Because of these students find their class out-dated to find a good job.
  6. Conditions of government schools are extremely bad with people having rationed that if their children study in government school their career will be at state. Teacher’s absenteeism, less focus on developing students’ capacity is a big issue.
  7. Put institutions charging high fees – private schools are not running schools for service to society rather they are selling education to one who can pay the high sum. The business should rottenly be sole criteria in Education service, society is interest should also be given priority.


Solutions to overhaul the system

  1. Increase allocation of the budget towards education – It is important because education is the fundamental framework to positively transform society. It will develop India’s human resources.
  2. Governance of education should be improved by keeping a check on the fee structure of private school, their efficiency, also checks of teacher absenteeism to government schools to making it a point that student’s capacity and skills are developed.
  3. Improving infrastructure is also very important to make a study environment conclusive.
  4. The upgrading curriculum is also very much required to upgrade skills of students according to the changing times.
  5. Bhutan model of increasing teachers’ pay can also be considered which will make enthusiastic about their duty and also keep a check on absenteeism.
  6. Focus on teaching methods can be given attention to these innovative methods can be used which can make students utilize their utmost potential and let them know their interest and capability.
  7. Addressing concerns of the dropping rate especially associated with girls. Something like kanya shree scheme of West Bengal can be paid highly successful attention.

Education is very basic for Abhiyan of any society. Government with its Draft, national education policy, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan right to education is bringing revolution in this area. But they are still many steps to be taken. Combined efforts of government, NGO’s civil societies, private institutions can bring a big transformation in the area.

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