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Key challenges faced by elderly population

Key challenges faced by elderly population

The life expectancy in India today is 67 years and by 2050 about 2090 of its population will comprise elderly people.

It is desirable as people get to live more, spend more time with dear and near ones and made possible by better medical inventions.

  • However, it also proposes challenges to security and policymakers It demands more employment opportunities.

However, today India has the highest unemployment rate of 6%

  • Larger the population has specialiser efforts – like more children born to adult people – leads to a decrease in the availability of resources per person.
  1. It also causes urbanization problems as most of the employed migrate to cities.

According to NITI Aayog, by 2050 about ½ of India’s population will be in cities.

  • The elderly population require social benefits – insurance, pensions, and provident fund courage.
  1. This may alter the fiscal management of the government.
  • Providing adequate security to form is also important. Ex. We have seen that lone – elderly couples are soft targets for robbery, etc.
  • The ‘brain drain’ of professional’s beds to their parents living alone in India. It affects their psychological and mental well-being.

However, we should treat the elderly population as a besides but as an asset: –

  • They can take part in the socialization of the young children which is the need of the hour.
  • As the first teaching begins at home. But parents today are working professionals.
  • This vacuum can be filled by elders.
  • They are experienced people who can take part in – society management, local governments, etc.
  • They can keep a check as unruly activates and collaborate with the local police for information sharing.
  • H.G’s a be fruitful to make the efforts for helping the elders.

The government, NGO’s and civil society should take the responsibility of building confidence in the elders by recognizing this potential.

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