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RBI Grade B Officer- Preparation Strategy

Today we will talk with Ms Radha, who is a RBI Grade B Manager. She will share her experience on how she prepared for RBI Grade B exam, what strategy she followed, and advice for RBI Grade B aspirants.

Q. When did you joined RBI as a RBI Grade B Manager?

A. I joined on Nov 2015. Before RBI, I worked in PSB for few years.

Q. How did you prepare for RBI recruitment exam?

A. Self-study and sources available on internet, group on social media.

Q. How was RBI interview experience?

A.Covers hobbies, past job profile (if any), educational background, recent economic developments, reason for willingness to join the organization etc. Interviewee’s can drive the direction of the interview through their way of answering.

Q. How is induction program for new recruits at RBI?

A. Well designed program that builds foundation as well as functional knowledge.

Q. How is your experience in RBI so far?

A. Very nice.

Q. How do you compare RBI job with other career in private and government sector?

A. Better in terms of job satisfaction, provides good growth opportunity and good personal -professional life balance

Q. What is your one piece of advice to people seeking career in RBI?

A. Preparation should involve elements like developing strategy as per one’s strong and weak areas, practice, keeping oneself update of ongoing developments, studying from Rbi website, etc.

End note: With this, we concludes interview with Ms Radha. We know that lot of students have queries regarding RBI job, RBI career path and RBI studies. You can write to us, or post on our discussion board.

More RBI Grade B officers interviews

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Interview with RBI Grade B Officer – Ms Shivani Shailja



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