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infosys interview questions

Infosys HR interview round questions

In this article, we will cover HR round questions which Infosys ask during its HR interview round.

As you know, Infosys interview process is divided into 3 phases

  1. Written test
  2. Technical interview round
  3. HR interview round

Check here to see complete information on Infosys interview process

HR interview round is final round of whole interview process. Your aptitude and technical skills are already tests in prior rounds of written test and Technical interview round.

Check here to see questions asked in Infosys technical round

You are almost 90% selected if you are shortlisted for HR round. But your final selection still depends upon how your fare in HR interview round questions. Lots of candidates take this round lightly, and due to this they are not able to clear the interview process. Candidates are advised to take this round serious, and be prepared in advance on questions that can be asked.

Questions asked during Infosys HR round

HR round at Infosys judges the following things in candidate.

  1. Behavior analysis. How does candidate handle different situations?
  2. Adaptability quotient. How does candidate fares in different location, shift, demography and work area
  3. Handling new challenges
  4. Handling peers, subordinates and seniors
  5. Communication
  6. Adaptability with Infosys culture

Questions are asked on salary and reason why candidate is leaving existing organization. Candidate is also asked on salary expectation. This is only round where candidate is allowed to negotiate on the salary. So candidate must use this opportunity in careful manner.

C++ introduces Object-Oriented Programming, not present in C. Like other things, C++ supports the four primary features of OOP: encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction, and inheritance. See detailed list of c++ programming interview questions.

Sample HR interview questions for Infosys

  1. What do you know about our company?
  2. Introduce yourself and say something apart from your Resume.
  3. Where would you like to work: software development or software testing?
  4. How do you get to know about our company?
  5. Why have you applied at Infosys?
  6. Why do you think you are fit for our organization?
  7. Do you have an offer from any other organization?
  8. Tell us about Infosys and its positioning as compared to its competitors?
  9. You had to wait for 5 hours for the interview. Are you feeling tired?
  10. Tell me how your online test was?
  11. What is your father’s occupation? What is his job location?
  12. Who is your role model? What have you incorporated into your life from him/her?
  13. What functional/technical areas you have interest? Would you be passionate to work? Why?
  14. What Four things would make a good leader?
  15. What is the success?
  16. What was the toughest situation you ever experienced?


In this article, we have covered most important questions asked during Infosys HR interview round. These questions are taken by interviewing Infosys employees.

Infosys is one of the top company to work in IT field. But you need to be well prepared to handle different interview rounds at Infosys.

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