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How severe is healthcare crisis in India?


The health sector is very much important in a country, which is also an indication of India’s development. Recently India boosts the health sector by having 20.6 health workers for 10,000 people which is so close to WHO’s threshold 22.8 per 10,000 people.

 According to the National Sample survey organization. India has 20.6 health workers per 10,000 people, which is 19 per 10,000 people in 2012.

  • Through this welcome news, we are below the threshold as per the World Health Organization.


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Factors responsible for this scenario

  • Distribution of Health workers
  • Rural population 71%
  • Health population 86%
  • There is an uneven distribution
  • The health workers are maximum numbers in Delhi followed by Kerala, Punjab and Haryana.
  • Most health workers work in the private sector because of salary and infrastructure and lack of opportunity in the public sector.
  • The lower percentage of the budget is allocated to the health sector.
  • Health and welfare schemes are not implemented successfully.

The way forward

  • The budget must be allocated considerably because of this scenario and to avoid future consequences.
  • Rural areas and hospital infrastructure must be developed.
  • The public sector must combine with the private sector to make the health sector develop and to meet the scarcity of health workers.
  • Schemes of the health sector such as Ayushman Bharat, PM Arogya you must indicate well and mentioned conclusion.


Heath sector will play a vital role in India’s development if necessary corrective measures are taken in future. The gap of the health sector is easily fixable and the Government should take necessary actions for this in future.

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