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English – Unseen passage for Class 11 | Reading Comprehension exercises

Unseen passage or reading comprehension passage is an important element of class 11 English syllabus. We have atleast 1-2 questions in every English exam with unseen passage for class 11. This covers important aspect of reading and writing portion of English language. As you are reading new comprehension passage for the first time, it tests your skill as a reader, your vocabulary, and your writing skills. And once you are solving questions from the unseen passage, your writing skills are checked thoroughly.

Students need to do rigorous practice of unseen passage for class 11 exams. They need to solve unseen passage having descriptive questions or mcq questions before going to their exams.

In this article, we have shared some practice unseen passage for class 11 exam. Students can attempt these reading comprehension passages and check their preparedness for the exam.

Unseen passage for class 11

Students can find the unseen passage for class 11 for practice. Please read the passage carefully, and solve the questions.  You are also advised to keep a timer while solving such reading comprehension questions.

Unseen passage 1 – Source: Science website

Soil, the living skin of Earth, provides ecosystem services critical for life: Soil acts as a filter and store of water, provides a growing medium that supplies plants and heterotrophs with water and nutrients, offers habitat for a large diversity of organisms, and is the source of most of our antibiotics. Humanity is increasingly challenged by the combination of climate change, population growth, and land degradation, including carbon loss, biodiversity decline, and erosion. In particular, land degradation reduces soil hydrological functioning and thereby several other ecosystem services. Such impacts occur through alterations of hydraulic functioning, infiltration and soil moisture storage, carbon cycling, biological activity, transport of nutrients and contaminants, and plant growth. Impacts of global environmental change and associated soil degradation need to be understood and reversed as biodiversity, food production, climate regulation, and people’s livelihoods are increasingly affected by soil ecosystem degradation. The interplay between soil biota and soil hydrological functioning plays an essential role in many biogeochemical cycles, including the water and carbon cycles. Microorganisms dominate soil life and perform an array of vital soil functions by regulating nutrient cycling, decomposing organic matter, defining soil structure, suppressing plant diseases, and supporting plant productivity. The presence of microorganisms and their activity can affect soil structure and hydraulic properties in multiple ways. Case studies indicate the potential of microorganisms as game-changers toward the restoration of soil functioning. However, the role of soil microbiota in forming and sustaining soils has historically been overlooked.

  • Question 1: How important is soil for earth?
  • Question 2: What are key challenges to humanity, as per author?
  • Question 3: What is impact of soil biota and soil hydrological functioning?

Unseen passage 2 – Source: Indian Express

For decades, environmentalists in the country have been alleging that a large number of infrastructure projects are implemented without mandatory due diligence and green clearance procedures are often riddled with irregularities. Their criticisms have sharpened in the past 15 years because successive governments have diluted ecological safeguards — the public hearing requirement in the Environmental Impact Assessment notification, for instance — under the ruse of streamlining the clearance procedures. Two years ago, an Environmental Performance Index of Yale University ranked India 168 amongst 220 countries. Now an investigation by this newspaper has revealed that six mega initiatives cleared between 2004 and 2020 — the Mopa International Airport in Goa, the Dibang Hydel project in Arunachal, Kulda Coal Mine in Odisha and Tamnar Thermal Project in Chhattisgarh, the Subansiri Hydel Project on the Assam Arunachal border — have failed to fulfil their green commitments. The omissions are particularly glaring because experts had questioned the environmental sustainability of these projects since their inception.

  • Question 1: What are key concerns of environmentalists regarding environment?
  • Question 2: How is India performing in Environmental Performance Index of Yale University?
  • Question 3: Which mega projects in India has failed to environment commitment, as per author?

Unseen passage 3 – Source: Deccan Herald

A key aspect of wildlife species conservation is the protection of their natural habitats. Once the home where wildlife can survive and reproduce is lost, saving species becomes a humongous task. Restoring habitats over large areas is colossally expensive and almost impossible, especially for species that need big spaces. It could be the cheetah, tiger, elephant, rhino, lion-tailed macaque, whales or sea turtles, the picture for some species remains the same — they need vast contiguous spaces.

India is now at a critical juncture when the priority is to achieve ever-higher levels of economic growth. To achieve this economic aspiration, we have ignored that saving natural habitats is mandatory, rather than a luxury. Words like ‘sustainable development’, ‘sustainable use’ have ended up being mere buzzwords. Laws that were cornerstones of conservation have been weakened under the pretext that they need to be ‘development-friendly’. Perpetrators responsible for the loss of wildlife habitats are rarely brought to justice.

Worldwide, another aspect that leads to the extinction of species is the direct extermination of species for trade or consumption. With the increasing human population and growing affluence, the demand for body parts or meat of certain wildlife species is on the rise. This must be curtailed through a combination of law enforcement and education.

  • Question 1: What is impact on wildlife on reduction of natural habitats?
  • Question 2: Why is natural habitat conservation have increasingly become difficult in India?
  • Question 3: What is the major factor in extinction of specifies globally, as per author?


In this article, we have shared practice unseen passage for class 11 exams and tests. Student from other classes or those who are preparing for competitive exams can use these passages for practice too (like reading comprehension for IELTS or CAT). In case you want to match your answers for these unseen passage questions, you can mail your answer to us.

In case you are struggling to solve unseen passage questions, you can check how to solve unseen passage article.

You can also contact Xamnation support team for help regarding English unseen passage questions for Class 11 exams. We have experienced English teachers, who will guide you properly, and make you proficient in these types of questions.  You can mail to or fill in our contact form, and our counselors will reach you.

Check also: Online coaching for Class 11 English

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