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Why is Skill India program important for India?

As per the world population prospects, 2019 India will take over China and become the world most populated by around 2027.

Hence, we may see this as an asset. As national pollution policy, 2009 prepared by an eminent group of the head by M.S Swami Nathan suggested that we must to this as the demographic dividend.

This may be possible. If we provide them with proper training and education for reaping of dividend out of demography.

Today, India is suffering from the highest employment crisis more than the last 45 years.

Infy 2018 total employment rate is 6.1%

  • Urban 7.8
  • Rural 5.3%

It is not only because of education or learning but vocational training of practical knowledge.

In 2014 NDA Government launched Skill India Programme.

  • Aim – to provide training (short term courses) to the candidates by 2022 to make them capable to grab jobs.
  • Another important aspect of this is the PPP model for providing the candidates accordingly jobs to the for their acquired knowledge
  • The important division is PMKVY – Pradhan mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana provide short term courses to candidates in a different field and get them jobs in their partner companies.

But Skill India Programme has some setback in past years.

  • Training is not proper enough accordingly to market demand.
  • Trained candidates don’t find any jobs after courses if some finds, they dropped, in 2 to 3 months because of either stresses environment or company to as not satisfied with their work.
  • Most importantly, behind the huge crisis of joblessness, it is not only lack of skills by it represents the no appetite of companies for more workers.

As 48% of new job seekers enter into the job market every year, proper training and education system which provide practical knowledge as well to students in need of the hour for this government needs to increase their expenditure as in NDA government expenditure on education falls down by 2.81% in 2014-15 to 2.05% in 2018-19 which is 3% in UPA-II

Adequate training + proper education = create more jobs.

RBI Grade B Online Coaching Program

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