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Prevalance of childhood obesity in India

Childhood obesity in medical term can be defined as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that processes risks to health “childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.

According to WHO, presently there are more than 50 million children suffering from obesity. Almost half of the obesity children live in Asia.

Childhood obesity & India.

As per the report from the new journal of Medicine India has the second-highest obesity children in the world. It counts for 14.4 million.

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  • Energy imbalances blow calories consumed and calories expended.
  • The shift in diet towards increased intake of energy-dense food.
  • Children were interested in consuming more fat and sugarless vitamins & minerals.
  • Decreased physical activity.
  • The school has changed their perspective about sports activity, they give more indoor activity.
  • Increasing urbanization.
  • Mother’s affection towards children, forcing her to pack lunch as per his/her wish.
  • Some others like to change in the transport sector, agriculture policy, Social and economic development.


  • Spending on Family expenditure will increase.
  • May cause cardiovascular disease.
  • Cause both Short term & long term
  • The child may suffer from various diseases(diabetic).
  • Non-communicable diseases.
  • Brain growth may slow down.
  • Premature death & disability.

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The solution to tackle these problems:-

  • Schools (Private or government) compulsory include gaining activity (Outdoor).
  • Schools should ban “Junk food “in lunch given by parents.
  • Food fortification is the best way to the content of vitamin, minerals in food.
  • Mid-day meal should increase more healthy nutrients.
  • School &government should conduct an awareness program on obesity.
  • “Project Dhoop “in taking of vitamin-D may be useful.

India being a developing nation can’t bear the double burden of diseases. There is a need to bring behavioural change among all stakeholders to end these menace. We should always remember “Today’s Children is tomorrow’s future “.


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