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How to Avoid Social Media Distractions While Studying

If you feel that the whenever you trying to study social media and other things distract you from your main goal. Then you have come to the right place today we’ll tell you some major points that will help you to avoid distraction.

When you start to study Quantitative Aptitude, English or whatever your unlike subject. Just after 10 – 12 minutes later your phone vibrate and a text/WhatsApp message shown on your mobile phone display. And you excitedly close book and open message. And see that your friend message you to asking for the evening walk and you immediately reply it. And your friend again messages you for timing and after exchanging 10 -15 message with your friend you look at the time. 15 minute has gone by!

Tips for cracking Group Discussion: Don’t interrupt when someone is speaking. Let him speak and if you have anything to add you can add afterwards. Check out latest gd topics for mba in GD preparation course.

You put your phone aside and get back to study. 15 minute later, you get sudden overwhelming urge to check new YouTube videos. You only intend to spend a few minutes on YouTube, but you end up browsing through commenting on the Facebook post.

We are pretty sure something like this has happened to you whenever you trying to study. But don’t worry here are a few tips that will help you to avoid you this type of distractions. But these tips do not work when you only read it you need to digest it and follow in your daily life.

ProblemActually your first and main problem is your phone. When you study, your phone rings or vibrates and your focus or concentration immediately breaks and you close the book to check your phone.

Mobile Phone SolutionSo it is good to put your phone on silent mode and place it at the other end of the room or give it to your mom or dad or any other member who can return after complete your study. This way you won’t be interrupted by phone calls or text messages while you are studying. But it is best if you do not buy a phone. In our modern life, it is important to keep a phone because if you have phone everyone easily contacts you. But in my opinion, if you want to keep a phone please purchase a simple phone doesn’t purchase an expensive smartphone. If you own a smartphone, you know how distracting it can be. Facebook, Twitter, Email, YouTube, WhatsApp and the entire internet are at your fingertips. So keep a simple phone will help you to avoid social media or social sites.

Tips for cracking Group Discussion: In a GD everyone is seated. Don’t play with pen, paper or your chair, just concentrate. Check out current gd topics in GD preparation course.

ProblemThere is another second way to connect social media network and this is your Computer. Yes, you heard right your laptop also can distract you because you can access your facebook, twitter or any other social sites on your computer.

ComputerSolutionWhen you are using your laptop or computer the entire world wide web is just a click away. Don’t trust yourself to resist that temptation. Turn off your internet access before you begin your study session. Try to avoid study from online sources and if you need to access online resources download all the necessary information before beginning the study and after download turn off internet connection.

These are the two main resources where you can access easily social media so before study follow the solution of above two problems. Now as we know we are human we can’t study continuously 8-10 hours we need some rest. And during this rest unusual thing happen like check our phone, gossips with friends, playing games and we don’t notice that we spend many hours. I know that you have made many timetables to manage your time and I was also just like you I make almost 10 – 20 times timetable in during my preparation look at this


  • 5 AM – 8 AM: Morning walk and Breakfast
  • 8 AM – 10 AM: Newspaper and Current Affairs
  • 10 AM – 1 PM: Subject 1 (For example Quantitative Aptitude)
  • 1 PM – 2 PM: Lunch and some rest
  • 2 PM – 4 PM: Subject 2 (For example Reasoning)
  • 4 PM- 6 PM: Subject 3 (For example English)
  • 6 PM – 7 PM: Evening walk
  • 7 Pm – 9 PM: Revision

Once in a week (For example Sunday): Instead of reading, you will solve mock tests on each subject for that given slot.

You need to follow a weekly chart, which means your subjects will remain fix for a given week but may change in next. Your time slots, on the other hand, will remain fixed.

Here we share you few tips that how to manage time during preparation.

  • Focus on your study- As I already told you that we can’t continually study but one thing we can. Whenever you study, study with your full of concentration because if you study only one hour with full of concentration this is far better than to take a book in your hand and only turn over the page for hours.
  • Take a pause- When we study the distractions comes in waves. The urge to watch TV, hungry feeling, and check your phone attacks you suddenly and it can often be overwhelming. But these intense urges only last for a short while. If you are able to resist that initial wave, you will be able to carry on studying instead of succumbing to temptation. So when any urge hits you close your eyes. Breathe in for three seconds, and then breathe out for three seconds. If the urge still persists, repeat until it goes away. A when the urge is gone go back to work.
  • Isolate yourself- When you sit down at study table and start study suddenly your sister come and asked you for help with his homework, your friend calls you to play the game, or your father came by to ask you about your day. These are the common distractions during the study. So just before you begin your study, we recommend that you go up to the people who are most likely to disturb you and tell for don’t disturb you during this time. Otherwise, you can go another place where no one disturbs you, like go to the library or any other place.
  • Exercise daily – As we know if our mind is healthy then we can easily focus and remember the things we have learned. A healthy mind is in a healthy body. So you need to do daily some exercise and get eight hours of sleep. Because Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise. These are golden lines for everyone.

If you follow these simple steps daily and digest in your life then we are definitely sure you will get surprising results. First, apply this strategy for one week and see your result. And after again for the second week and record your performance and post it on the comment box.

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