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Essay Writing- How to write a good essay | Essay Writing Examples

Essay writing

 Essay writing is one of the essential component of English language. It is one of the key parameter to check students thought process,  comprehension skills and written English. Through an essay paper examiner wants to examine whether candidates have sufficient knowledge about a given subject and whether they are able to express their thoughts in a logical, consistent and a coherent form. Essay writing starts from schools, mostly Grade 3 and onwards.  In this article, we will share you important tips on how to structure your essay, and what are the key points in Essay writing

Tips for writing an perfect essay for exam

Organisation of an essay

Three Parts

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

The order should be

  1. Introduction
  2. Background / History related
  3. Main concept / theory/ what the subject is about
  4. Positive points
  5. Negative points / Obstacles
  6. Suggested solutions / any government schemes
  7. Conclusion – Should be Optimistic

Ingredients of good essay Writing 

Subject Matter


Lack of sufficient information and knowledge is one the reason for students for not writing a good essay. Students should devote time to acquire subject knowledge. Students should form a habit of noting down quotations, anecdotes, stories etc. to increase the level of knowledge to write a good essay.

Developing a framework

Before writing the actual essay students should develop an outline or a framework of the essay. One should write as many points as possible in this rough framework. One should always have a multidimensional view when they are thinking about the framework.

Developing the Points

Stories, data, anecdotes, examples etc should be used to further expand the points noted in the rough framework.



Language used should be simple and it should convey the desired message clearly. Using big sentences, difficult words, complex theories etc should be avoided as this makes the life of the examiner difficult and he may not be able to understand the message one is trying to convey. Slang and clichés should be avoided. One should avoid making grammatical and spelling mistakes in the essay.

Flow of the essay

The composition as a whole must have a unity. One topic should lead on to another. There should be some connection or a natural flow between the successive paragraphs.

Personal Touch

The essay should not be just the collection of stories, anecdotes, facts etc, there should be some personal touch in the essay. Essay should reflect your personality in some ways.

Word Limit


One should always stick to the word limit. One should avoid exceeding word limit.

Importance of good Handwriting in essay

Handwriting is the first impression for an essay. One should have a handwriting which is readable. One should work upon his handwriting skills if it is not legible or visible to the examiner.

Importance of good introduction in essay

An essay should always have a good introduction as this is the first thing which the examiner reads in an essay. Introduction should be persuasive, direct and to the point. The candidates should not deviate from the topic given and should avoid beating around the bush.


Like the introduction, the conclusion in an essay should also be logical, convincing and natural. One should always end the essay on a positive and optimistic note.

Things to avoid in essay writing

Some Do’s

  • Select a topic in which you have an in-depth knowledge
  • Brainstorm
  • Include relevant dimensions like social, economic, political, judicial, administrative, historical, international, humanitarian, environment, geographical, ethical, moral, women, oppressed class etc.
  • Be balanced
  • Use short sentences
  • Use quotes
  • Be Creative
  • Be optimistic
  • Try and provide solutions to problems
  • Use facts
  • Use examples
  • Always keep the topic in the mind, don’t divert from the main subject
  • There should be a natural flow in writing an essay

Some Don’ts

  • Repeat Yourself
  • Beat around the bush
  • Be Radical
  • Take extreme position
  • Be factually incorrect
  • Make grammatical errors
  • Personalize
  • Point out any particular person or organization in negative sense (Terrorist organizations can be an exception).
  • Too many quotes, facts, and other opinions

Practice makes a man perfect. The students must practice essay writing. Students can master the art of essay writing by writing as many essays as possible.

Examples of School Essay Writing

  • Essay writing on Education
  • Essay writing on Technology
  • Essay writing on Trending News
  • Essay writing on Classical literature
  • Essay writing on Movies and TV Series
  • Essay writing on daily routine

If you have any confusion or query regarding topic, you can contact us. We will be glad to hear from you.

  • Essay writing for Grade 3
  • Essay writing for Grade 4
  • Essay writing for Grade 5
  • Essay writing for Grade 6
  • Essay writing for Grade 7
  • Essay writing for Grade 8
  • Essay writing for Grade 9
  • Essay writing for Grade 10

In case you are looking for any assistance in essay writing or need mentoring, you can reach us at

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