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What is India role in Indo pacific region?

IndoPacific region has been the latest region of geostrategic importance after the Asian continent prevalent during important times.

The Indian state is the region is high –

  1. India cannot ignore Chinese aggressiveness occurs Indo Pacific towards invariability and demoralization.
  2. The region has high economic value in terms of logistics and resource (rare earth). India continental offered to lose it.
  3. IndoPacific has been undoing the state of demoralization. Thus India’s leadership credibility on demoralization stands as a challenge along with the small window of opportunity that this development can produce towards assuring political hand aping.

However –

  1. India should take a long-term approach towards any intervention, especially with the latest development on sovereignty such as stands as a coalition for peace.
  2. India needs to take a stable action to gain stability in IndoPacific :
  3. India’s aggression novel diplomacy can block potential advances after the latest blockage by the Maldives on India’s naval patrolling and support in the region
  4. India needs to take collective action through QUAD and ASEAN to ensure greater peace and stability, especially admit Chinese assertion. Thus, advance purely on the economic and strategic line should be temporarily averted.

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India’s action –

  1. India has lately taken track is and diplomacy towards creating a collective action in India ocean conference.
  2. India has ensured greater as surety through advancing its protocol of net security produce by institution ling O-SMART.
  3. India has provided development assistance to IOR to create long term peace and stability.
  4. Rs 1.4 billion core grant to the Maldives along with agreements n credit shopping.

Way ahead –

  1. India needs to capital infrastructure investment on the lines of china through the India Germany Infrastructural collaboration.
  2. An open pulse policy towards local can ensure greater credibility of India towards IOR.

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