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What is Flood Management and Border Areas Program (FMBAP)?

Recently Flood Management and Border Areas Programme (FMBAP) was launched. It will be implemented throughout the country for effective flood management, erosion control and anti-sea erosion.

Objectives: –

  • The main aim is to arrest the State governments to provide a reasonable degree of protection against floods in critical areas.
  • It aims to doubt optimum coordination of structural and non-structural measures, as well as enhancing capabilities of the state and cultural government officials.
  • It doubts a comprehensive, integrated and coordinated approach to address the issue flood management.

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Salient features –

  • Merges flood management (FMP) programme and river management activities and works related to border areas.
  • Completion of projects FMP, hydro-meteorological observations and flood forecasting.
  • Survey, investigation detailed project report of hydro projects on common rivers with other countries. E.g. – Pancheswar multipurpose project

Need for FMBAP –

  • India one of the most flood-affected nation more than 40mha out of 329mha flood-prone.
  • 60% of the flood damage results from river floods – Ganges – Brahmaputra – Meghna Basin contribution 60% of a total river flood.
  • The flood problems in India demands a prolonged strategy with greater focus.
  • Border areas are among the most vulnerable during floods, demanding an integrated approach.

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Way forward –

  • Timely completion of projects, effective implementation and efficiency in flood forecasting network.
  • Encouraging community-led participation in flood management.
  • Effective environmental impact assessment before taking up any hydro-project (especially across the borders)

FMBAP is a welcome step towards addressing flood management and related issues. The success of the scheme will depend upon the effective implementation and strong centre state mechanism.


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