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What does India need an anti torture legislation?

UN Convention against torture is on conventional Human rights treaty that comes in force in the year 1987. Its main aims are to prevent torture and other acts of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment around the World.

India signed this nearly 1997 but did not ratify it.

Arguments in favour, that India needs anti-torture legislation:-

  1. India is the largest democracy in the world, and it is also a signatory of UN convention against torture, so India must protect, human rights other countrymen human rights.
  2. Article 21 of the Indian constitution says that every individual has a right to live truth dignity, lunch as also a fundamental right, so India would prevent the torture of individuals by the different agencies.
  3. Extradition process of the fugitive offender will become quite easy, like many other counters of the world, blame India for the torture of the person in prison.
  4. Custodial torture has been increasing in prison in India.
  5. The belief of people will increase, in the system. Dispute the above good provision, there are certain challenges too, these are:-
  6. The autonomy of police will get affected, as sometimes slight torture and violence are used by police personals to review information from hardcore criminals.
  7. Harassment of police officers by hardcore criminals, when they get released from the prison.
  8. The vague definition of torture.


Since, 1997, India is a signatory to UN convention against torture, dispute it, there is the certain case regarding torture in prison, use of 3rd degree. Abuses by the personnel, human rights value of the individual get badly affected. There can be other ways to revive information from the hardcore criminals dispute violating the cases on human rights. So India should form a law against torture and keep balance it will hardcore criminals.

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