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Well Fargo Interview

Wells Fargo Interview Process

Wells Fargo is San Francisco (US) based company in banking (commercial and saving). It is among the Fortune 500 list companies (rank 37 in Fortune 2021 ranking). Wells Fargo is among the top 3 banks of US, after JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America. It has customer base of 70 million and employee strength of 260,000+. As of August 21, Wells Fargo has market capitalization of 97 billion US dollars. Wells Fargo operates majorly in three divisions including Wealth and Investment Management, Wholesale Banking, and Community Banking.

Office location of Wells Fargo (Source: Wells Fargo Website)

Wells Fargo job location

Wells Fargo Employee profile (Source: Linkedin)

Wells Fargo roles

How to apply for Wells Fargo Jobs

There are many ways by which you can Wells Fargo can reach you for job interview.

  1. Apply via Wells Fargo job portal

Go to Wells Fargo official site, and search for open positions. Register your profile and apply against open position

  1. Employee referral
  2. Uploading your resume on popular job portals like Indeed, Naukri etc

Interview process in Wells Fargo

Once your resume is shortlisted by Wells Fargo recruiter, you need to complete following steps during your interview process at Wells Fargo.

Screening round at Wells Fargo

Round 1 : Telephonic call with HR

This is first level of interaction with Wells Fargo team. HR executive will call the candidate, and ask questions about current job, current salary, salary expectation, and location expectation. This is basically to check that candidate fits into the company requirements or not.

Tips for telephonic call round at Wells Fargo
  1. Be calm and clear in your answer
  2. This is an HR round, so have a normal interaction. They will not ask any technical or work related question.
  3. Be sure that whatever you are telling them is matching with your resume. They will reject you if they feel you are making false statements

Round 2: Video recording of interview question

In this round, you are expected to record a video for answers of 4/5 interview questions. Each answer should be of 1-2 minute. This round is preliminary check by department who is hiring on deciding whether candidate is fit for the position or not. There will be technical/customer service/work related questions.

Wells Fargo Preparation Tips for video interview round

  1. Prepare your answer first, and write it down. Make sure you have enough points for 1-2 mins video recording
  2. Do not speak any unrelated thing other than what is asked in question. This will lead you to disqualification
  3. Make sure you video/audio of recording device is up to par.
  4. Make sure you are in formal attire while recording the answers

In person interview round at Wells Fargo

Once you are done with screening rounds, you will be called for personal (in person) interview round. It can also be online meeting, in case of different location of candidate. There are 2/3 interview rounds, and will include individual as well as panel interview. You will be interviewed by your team manager and department manager/head, based on the position you are applying for at Wells Fargo.

Wells Fargo STAR interview process

Wells Fargo uses the STAR interview method for the face to face, one on one interview that actually determines whether or not are hired

STAR = Situation, Task, Action and Results

The STAR interview method is a technique that helps you prepare for interview questions that determine whether you’ll be able to handle specific situations associated with a job.

Hiring managers use case based or behavior based interview questions in Wells Fargo, to understand how you will deal with the particular situation, and if you are right fit for the job. By using this strategy, you can make sure you’re fully addressing the interviewer’s question while also demonstrating how you were able to overcome previous challenges and be successful.

Wells Fargo Interview questions for behavioral round

  • Describe when you were working on tight deadline on a large project. How did you manage the situation
  • Describe when you were dealing with tough client/requirement. How did you manage the situation
  • Describe when you had different views from your boss/manager. How did you convince him/her
  • Give an example of how you plan a new initiative yourself, plan deliverable and timelines, and then go on delivering as per set expectation. What major hurdles you faced.
  • Describe when you couldn’t perform in your work. What did you do, and how did you manage the situation

These are situation/behavior based questions, and as a candidate you are expected to answer them using STAR methodology. You answer should have clear indication of various STAR methodology steps.

Apart from behavioral interview questions, you will be asked questions on the technical (if you are applying for any technical positions like Finance or IT). You will also be asked questions from your resume mainly on the last employment you had.

Commonly asked Wells Fargo Interview questions

  • Why are you the best?
  • What can you offer in this role that the next person couldn’t?
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What would you do if you came across a difficult customer?
  • Why are you leaving your current company?
  • Why are interested in joining our department?

Wells Fargo Preparation Tips

  1. Make sure you do basic research on Wells Fargo, and the role you are applying for. You need to make a strong statement on what make you stand apart from other candidates for this role, and why only this role/department.
  2. Make sure you practice commonly asked questions , and can clearly answer them using examples from your past work or education
  3. Make sure you practice for situation based questions using STAR methodology.
  4. If you are applying for roles where subject knowledge is required, make sure you brush up your concept
  5. Wear formal dress during interview process


In this article, we have given complete insights of hiring process of Wells Fargo. You have seen different types of interview rounds, and what is expectation from each round. If in case you have any confusion, or would like to know more you can reach us at

We are also offering interview preparation help for Wells Fargo. You can practice for your Wells Fargo interview with our experts from mock interview and discussion. You can reach us if you are interested in interview preparation help.

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