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Reasoning Daily Quiz – Dated 26 April

Number of Questions – 10                                                   Timing – 10 Min




Coding Decoding


Directions (1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. All the codes given below are only in two letters format.

“Banks are digital today” is written as “Zi Li Ki Ti”, “Money transfer through banks” is written as “Di Ki Si Fi”, “Digital money easy today” is written as “Si Zi Ti Bi” and “Today we have leave” is written as “Gi Xi Vi Zi”.

1) What is the possible code for “Easy for transfer”?

a) Fi Bi Zi

b) Di Ji Bi

c) Bi Ti Ui

d) Fi Li Xi

e) None of these

2) If “Banks have money” is coded as “Gi Si Ki”, then what will be the code for “Leave”?

a) Di

b) Li

c) Zi

d) Vi

e) Cannot be determined

3) What is the code for “Transfer”?

a) Di

b) Ti

c) Fi

d) Cannot be determined

e) Either Di or Fi

4) What is the word for the code “Si” in the given code language?

a) Today

b) Banks

c) Money

d) Digital

e) Either a) or b)

5) If “Money market easy” is written as “Bi Si Ci”, then what will be the code for “Market”?

a) Bi

b) Si

c) Ci

d) Either Si or Ci

e) Cannot be determined




All buildings are books

All books are roads

All roads are packs


I) Some roads are buildings

II) All books are packs

III) All packs are roads

a) Only I and II follows

b) Only I and III follow

c) Only II and III follow

d) All I, II and III follows

e) None of these


All cups are circle

Some circles are drums

All drums are blue


I) Some blue are cups

II) Some blue are circles

III) Some drums are cups

a) Only I follow

b) Only II follows

c) Only III follow

d) All I, II and III follows

e) None of these


Some bikes are cycles

Some cycles are trains

Some trains are rocket


I) Some trains are cycles

II) Some trains are bikes

III) Some rocket are bikes

a) Only I and II follows

b) Only I and III follow

c) Only II and III follow

d) All I, II and III follows

e) None of these


All dogs are pets

Some pets are rats

All rats are bats


I) Some bats are pets

II)Some bats are dogs

III) Some rats are pets

a) Only I and II follows

b) Only II and III follow

c) Only I and III follow

d) All I, II and III follows

e) None of these

5).Statements: All pens are cats; All cats are rings; All rings are mats


I) Some rings are pens

II) Some mats are cats

III) Some mats are pens

a) Only I and II follows

b) Only I and III follow

c) Only II and III follow

d) All I, II and III follows

e) None of these

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