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Quantititative Daily Question: Dated 26 April 2018

Number of Question – 10                                                                  Timing – 10 Min


1) A vessel is filled with liquid, which is 3 parts water and 5 parts milk. How much of the liquid should be drawn of and replaced by water to make it half water and half milk?

a) 1/8

b) 1/5

c) 2/3

d) 2/7

e) None


2) Milk and water are in a Can A as 4:1 and in Can B as 3:2. For Can C, if one takes equal quantities from A and B, find the ratio of milk to water in C.

a) 7:3

b) 4:7

c) 3:5

d) 5:4

e) None


3) A mixture contains alcohol and water in the ratio 3:2. If it contains 3 liters more alcohol than water, the quantity of alcohol in the mixture

a) 6

b) 8

c) 9

d) 5

e) None


4) Three types of Rice of Rs. 1.27, Rs. 1.29 and Rs. 1.32 per kg are mixed together to be sold at Rs. 1.30 per kg. In what ratio should this rice be mixed?

a) 4:1:3

b) 2:3:1

c) 1:1:2

d) 1:2:1

e) None


5) A dishonest milkman professes to sell his milk at cost price but he mixes it with water and thereby gains 25%. The percentage of water in the mixture is:

a) 35%

b) 15%

c) 25%

d) 20%

e) None

Data Interpretation

Directions (Q. 1-5): Refer to the bar graph below and answer the questions that follow.

The following bar graph gives age-wise as well as offence-wise distribution of male offenders in England and Wales in the year 2003. Value written on the top of each bar gives the total number of

Offences in thousands occurring in that particular category of offence



1. The second highest number of crimes is committed by the boys in the age group

a) 10-12

b) 12-14

c) 14-16

d) Over 16

e) None

2. Which of the following conclusions is true?

a) Boys in age group 14-16 commit more burglaries than theft.

b) Boys in age group 12-14 are the most violent.

c) In the boys’ over-16 age group the number of burglaries committed is more than that of violent acts.

d) Burglary is the second most common offence among the juvenile delinquent below the age of 12.

e) None of the Above

3. If the total offences were shown by a pie-chart what sector angle would approximately represent robberies?

a) 10

b) 3

c) 24

d) 65

e) 5

4. The total number of offences committed by those over 16 is greater than the total number of offences committed by those in the age group of 12 to 16 by

a) 10%

b) 5%

c) 26%

d) 1%

e) 2%

5. If no child committed more than one offence, given that the total number of boys in the age group 10-12 was 1457682, what was the approximate percentage of children who were away from crime in that age group?

a) 5

b) 82

c) 87

d) 96

e) 93

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