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Reasoning Daily Question – Dated 8 May 2018

Number of Question -14                                                Timing – 15 Min

New Pattern Puzzle

Directions (1 3): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed one above the another but not necessarily in the same order.

Three boxes are placed between D and B. Two boxes are placed between E and B. Two boxes are placed between A and H. H is placed immediately below B. Two boxes are placed between C and G. Two boxes are placed between A and F.

1. How many boxes are placed between D and C?

a) Two

b) None

c) Three

d) Five

e) One

2. If C is placed above G, which box is at bottom most position?

a) B

b) C

c) H

d) G

e) Cannot be determined

3. Which box is placed just above box H?

a) A

b) D

c) G

d) B

e) C

Do you know python scipy means scientific python, and it includes scientific and important functions to be used in data science and other applications. Check our python scipy course here.

Directions (4 5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

8 boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are placed one above the another but not necessarily in the same order.

Two boxes are placed between F and E. F is placed above E. One box is placed between F and G. Three boxes are placed between A and H. A is placed immediately below F. Two boxes are placed between C and H. B is placed somewhere above D

4. How many boxes are placed between F and H?

a) Four

b) None

c) Three

d) Five

e) One

5. Which box is placed at top?

a) B

b) C

c) H

d) G

e) Cannot be determined

Do you know python scipy is built over python numpy. Learn more details on python scipy here.

Box Puzzle

Question 6-10

Eight boxes – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are placed one above the another but not necessarily in the same order.

Three boxes are placed between S and Q. Two boxes are placed between T and Q. Two boxes are placed between P and W. W is placed immediately below Q. Two boxes are placed between R and V. Two boxes are placed between P and U. Box V is not placed at the bottom.

6. How many boxes are placed between S and R?

a) two

b) none

c) three

d) five

e) one

7. Which box is at bottom most position?

a) R

b) Q

c) W

d) V

e) Can’t be determined

8. Which box is placed just above box W?

a) S

b) P

c) R

d) V

e) Q

9. How many boxes are there between P and R ?

a) 2

b) 1

c) 4

d) 5

e) 3

10. Who is the immediate neighbor of box T ?

a) S

b) Q

c) R

d) V

e) W

Logical Reasoning

Directions (11-14): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Fortunately, more and more countries are shifting their focus away from industrial development to control of climate change these days.

A. The countries which focus more on controlling climate change than industrial development are only the richer ones which can afford to concentrate on areas other than industrial development.

B. Many countries had once prioritized industrial development which proved to be harmful to the environment in the longer run.

C. Some experts are of the view that climate change is not as alarming an issue as it is made to be because it is a natural phenomenon and has been occurring regularly throughout the history of earth

D. If climate change continues at the present rate, it would bring in large scale destruction to human habitation in a very short time

E. Industrial development is one of the biggest but definitely not the only reason behind global warming.

11. Which of the statements numbered (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) can be an assumed/inferred from the facts/information given in the statement? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted and an inference is something which is not directly stated but can be inferred from the given facts.)

a) E

b) C

c) A

d) B

e) Either D or A

12. Which of the statements numbered A, B, C and D mentioned above would weaken the argument for the need of a shift away from industrial development to that of controlling climate changes?

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) Both B and D

13. Which of the following can be inferred from statement (E) if it is considered to be true with regard to the given information?

a) Nations also need to focus on sources other than those generated due to industrial development.

b) Other sources of pollution have more adverse effects as compared to those generated due to industrial development.

c) Unlike older times, industrial development has ceased to be a reason behind global warming these days.

d) If Industrial Development stops, global warming would automatically come to an end.

e) If sources other than Industrial Development are identified and controlled global warming will end completely.

14. Which of the statements numbered A, C, D and E mentioned above represents the reason behind curtailing industrial development by some of the countries?

a) Either C or E

b) D

c) C

d) Either A or C

e) A

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