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RBI Grade B Online Coaching

Tips to memorize topics in Rbi Grade B

RBI Grade BThe biggest fear every student has before an exam is that they will forget everything and they will go blank as soon as they enter the exam hall. Most of the time they feel that they do not remember anything. It’s kind of dream, but fortunately; it’s not possible for that to happen as long as you have learnt it.

First of all, you will be happy about how the facts start to come back to you once you pick up a pen and start answering a question. When you start writing, you start to recall every bit of what you have studied. Second of all, there are lots of methods to memorize which you can adopt according to your suitability. They will help you remember the information in a proper way.  In this article, I will be discussing on how to memorize and also tell about few things that will help you memorize faster for the RBI Grade B exam. I hope this article will give you some confidence and shed off the fears of forgetting before an exam.

1.   Get organised

RBI Grade B

You need to get organized in order to prevent your mind from wandering and concentrate well. If you are un organized you tend to get distracted. A cluttered working space with books and stationaries here and there, books of different subjects with no particular order; will not let you focus on one particular thing. Hence tidying up your desk should be the first thing that should be done.

So, start by organizing everything first. Keep your room clean, or whichever space you’re using to study. Organize all the notes according to the subjects. Try to keep only those books related to the subject that you have decided to study.

2. Mind Tricks

a.  Try to visualize everything you study, in other words, try imagining the things that you study

b.  Try to connect the sentences through objects even if they don’t relate so that you can memorize it easily.

c. To recall the information in the exam, simply recall the book, the page or maybe an image present on the particular page, which will help you to recall the information.

Building a memory palace is another trick that will help you to retain whatever you have learned. A memory palace is a memory-boosting technique that was brought out by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is called a palace because it represents a place or series of places that you can create in your mind to store information that you need to remember. Talking about the benefit, your brain remembers information better when it’s told in a story format, and a big part of this technique is telling the story of where the information is located. Hence try to learn the information in a form of a story to retain it for long.

3. Repetition

Repeating the words again and again till the time we are able to repeat it without even looking at it. Say it out loud, it may appear to sound awkward at first but it gets better and you start memorizing faster.

Record your words- Record what you said after memorizing it, at first you can read and record, later you can do it without seeing. Listen to what you have recorded and correct your own mistakes`. The more you listen, the more will you be able to memorize and retain.


4.  Mnemonics

RBI Grade BEven if the spelling is a bit confusing, the concept is quite simple and beneficial. It works by converting the information into an alternative form that is easier for you to remember. This can be done by taking the first letters of the information you want to remember and then using them to create a term or a phrase that you can remember easily. For example, PEMDAS – Please Excuse My Dear Aunt SusiePEMDAS is a common mnemonic for remembering the order of operations in pre-algebra meaning: Parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, adding, and subtraction.

5. Making use of a photographic memory

If you happen to possess a photographic memory, you can make the best use of it by comparing the images with text to remember what you’ve learned. This helps you to recall what you have studied easily because all you have to do is recall the image and you can automatically recall the information. You can apply the same principle even if you do not have a photographic memory. You need to arrange your notes in a pictorial fashion. Then, when you have to recall a particular piece of information, the idea is that you have to remember the page on which the information was.

6.  Practical Experience

RBI Grade Ba.  When you do things practically rather than just reading from the books you can remember well. For an example talking about the RBI Grade B exam just reading for the different phases won’t be helpful until and unless you practice enough mock test papers. That way, when it comes to the exam, you will have experience and can recall the situation while writing the mock tests. Mock tests give you a kind of practical experience because it gives you an exam like interface.

b.  This is very important for any aspirant, to have an idea and thorough practice on the exam like interface. Your brain gets a chance to retrieve the knowledge that you have stored while studying. They give you the feel of the real exam. You get an idea of the question pattern. They have various features like timer, question palette, and multiple choices.

7. Get a good night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is important which many students do not give much importance to. It may not sound like it, but this is one of the best things you can do to help you remember things. This is not applicable just before the night of the exam, but every day. Do not get confused by this. I am not just saying this because good night’s sleep will help you do better, and you will also be able to retain the information for long. I am saying it because when you’re sleeping, that time your brain performs the crucial task of converting facts from short-term memory into long-term memory. When you get a good night’s sleep, your brain processes the information you’ve learned during the day and stores it.


8. Use Timer

It is difficult to focus on any subject if you know that you will be spending hours at your desk studying. This way your brain can focus in a more targeted and effective way, all in a shorter time period.

Set the timer to 30 or 60-minute increments to maximize concentration.

For preparing for exams use the preview questions given by your teacher or any textbook. Write the questions on a sheet of paper and use 25minute of time to cover several questions and go down the list until you have covered them all.

9. Teach what you have learned

This is the most powerful memory techniques that people do not tap into is recalling newly learnt information by teaching it to someone else. It helps you to recall and retain what you have learnt in a much better way. Write an outline of the most important points you have learnt in the chapter you covered then go over the concepts one by one. Also draw diagrams on the side and provide examples. At the end summarize what you feel is the key part of the lecture and highlight these sections with the marker. By the time you have finished you will be thorough with what you have learnt by using visual cues to memorise and recall the most important parts of the lesson.

10. Schedule a workout after your study session

Exercise is important to boost memory, but timing it is the key. Scientists found that people who exercised four hours after their study session retained the information better a few days later than those who exercised either immediately after studying or those who didn’t exercise at all. Brain scans from the study show that exercising with a delay affects the hippocampus, of the brain that is important for learning and memory.

So here it is:  simple tricks and tips that will greatly help you to increase your capacity for learning all kinds of facts and figures, and help you retain the information for long. Rest you don’t have to worry as human brain has the capacity to store vast information that we feed it with.

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