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How can we stop sexual violence against women?

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most widespread, persistence and devastating human rights violation in our world today. Recently World Health Organization (WHO) has come out with global estimates relating to violence against women in a report titled RESPECT Women:

preventing violence against women, some key findings of the report are :–

  1. 1 in 3 women and gilds experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.
  2. Globally, 38% of murders of women are committed by a male intimate partner. “It is the highest in south-east Asia.
  3. 71% of all human trafficking victims worldwide are women and girls, and 3 out of 4 of these women and girls are sexually exploited.

In India, The National Crime Records Bureau which released its 2017 data this October said a total of 3.59 lakh cases of crimes against women were reported, a 6% rise compared to 2016. Of this, assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty comprised 21.7% and rape 7% every third woman, since the age of 15, has faced domestic violence of various forms in the country, reported the National Family Health Survey (NHFS-4)

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      Definition of violence against women:-

The declaration on the elimination of violence against women issued by the UN General Assembly in 1993, defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or obituary of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.

Effects of VAWG – an obstacle to achieving equality – physiological disorders – behavioural and emotional diction in children. – sexual and reproductive health consequences.

Fig: Some of the ill effects of violence against Women and Girls.

Recent concerns:-

Politicians cutting across party lines condemned the recent spurt in crime against women and demanded stringent laws that punish the guilty within a fixed time frame. They suggested the guilty should be given stringent punishment without any discrimination of religion or caste.

Various reasons associated with the concern.

  1. Dowry,
  2. Son preference,
  3. Patriarchal society,
  4. Discrimination against girls,
  5. Lack of sensitivity and awareness to the female gender,

Human Rights Watch (HRW) in its some other measures:-

  1. Better policy, fast- track courts, quick sensing are the need of the hour.
  2. Gender sensitization should be included in every curriculum right from school.
  3. Boys and Girls should be raised right in an atmosphere of freedom and culture of mutual respect.
  4. Males must be aware of the fact that females can help them in their daily work, thus boosting the economy.
  5. It is the responsibility of also a female member to educate both the Boy and Girl in an equal manner.
  6. Use of technology, like CCTV Camera and mobile apps.
  7. Awareness among women’s, how to protect themselves during such incidents.
  8. Gender sensitization program me in offices.

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