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Hello Students,
We hope that you did well in RBI Grade B Phase 1. Now, that was the easy part, and real battle begins now. Yes, it is time to crack the most important part of RBI Grade B exam – Phase 2 (Mains) exam.
RBI Grade B Crash course
We have launched a 15 days crash course which will covers different topics of RBI Grade B phase 2 .
- Finance: Online Lectures covering Numerical, RBI Circulars and speeches.
- Management: Online material with over 500 + practice questions
- Economic and Social Issues: Online Classes covering basic economy concepts like National income Accounting, Budget, inflation Theory, Balance of payment. Videos for economy news, Budget and Economic Survey.
- Mock Test – 5 tests from ESI and FM
- English Practice
- 15 Essay topics to practice
- 15 Precise topics
- 15 RC practice
Sample material
You can see the sample material on Phase 2 on our xamnation youtube channel
How to book RBI Grade B crash course
You can book this course by clicking on this link
Course Price: Rs 5,999 (discount of 40%)
RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam
RBI Grade B phase 2 exam, as we know is divided into 3 papers of equal weightage.
Paper 1: Economics and Social Issues – It basically covers core of economics and its application in real world. You will be judged on basis of your understanding of your core concepts, and the current part of Economics (For example – Economics Survey and Budget, RBI Circular, Important reports etc).
Paper 2: Finance and Management- This covers basically 2 subjects, finance and management of equal weightage. There is not much current part, and mostly this contains theoretical aspects of the subject.
Paper 3: English – English for phase 2 is completely different from phase 1 english. You are mainly judged on your understanding on current situations and how well you articulate yourself.
Who have designed RBI Grade b phase 2 crash course
Our RBI Grade B Phase 2 Crash course is designed by IIT/IIM graduates who have themselves cracked exams like UPSC, RBI Grade B, CAT etc. Our faculty with their deep expertise in their respective subjects will be continuously guiding you till the exam get over. You can check xamnation faculty profile here.
If you have any questions or query, please do fill in the form, or mail us at rakesh@xamnation.com. You can also call us at 9988 708 161.