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Bonded Labour Problems in INDIA

Attempt following quiz to check your understanding regarding Bonded Labour Problems in INDIA You are encourage to attempt the quiz first then go through the article.

[WpProQuiz 54]

Recent Update

52 trafficked labourers rescued from Ginger from Karnataka.

Causes of Bonded labour in India:

  • Economic Causes
  • Landlessness
  • Unemployement
  • Poverty
  • Lack of Awareness
  • Increased Unorganised industry
  • Social causes
  • Caste system
  • Social customs
  • Debt traps
  • Other causes
  • Migrations
  • Uneven developments
  • Old labour policies

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Constitutional safeguards:

Article 23 of the Indian constitution gives the right against the Exploitation

Legal safeguards:

  • Bonded labour system(Abolition)act,1976
  • Minimum wages act (1948)
  • Contract labour (regulation and abolition)act 1970
  • Child labour (prohibition and regulation) act
  • IPC section 370

Challenges in Adressing the issue of Bonded Labours

  • No strong survey and sample collections
  • Under reporting due to illiteracy
  • Flawed rehabilitation program
  • Poor implementation of laws
  • No awareness and increasing discrimination

Way forward:

  • Strengthen Legislation and block the loop holes
  • Giving adequate finance to the local governments
  • More awareness about government schemes
  • Strengthen the ambit of National Human Rights Commission

Central Sector schemes for Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour

It is a revamped scheme of bonded labour schemes 1978.

Salient features:

  • Financial assistance to people who are rescued.
  • 100% funded by Central Government
  • Creation of Bonded labour Rehabilitation Fund at District Level under the scrutinisation of the district collector.

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