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Reasoning Exercise- Blood Relations

Question 1

In a family of five members, there are two married couples in the family. A is father in law of X, who is married with W. Z is the son of W. D has only one daughter.

Q1.1. How is A related with Z?
(a) Grand Father
(b) Grand Mother
(c) Father in law
(d) daughter in law
(e) grandson

Q1.2. Who is the son in law of Z’s grandmother?
(a) A
(b) D
(c) W
(d)  X
(e) none of these

Question 2

In a family there are eight members. A is mother of B, who is brother of C. C and Q are siblings. Y is daughter of P. Z is brother in law of B, who is son of D. A has only one son. There are only two married couples in the family. P is married to B.

Q2.1. How is P related with Z?
(a) Brother
(b) Daughter
(c) Nephew
(d) Niece
(e) None of these

Q2.2. How is C related with Y?
(a) Aunt
(b) Daughter in law
(c) Uncle
(d) Granddaughter
(e) none of these

Q2.3. How many male members are there in the family?
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) Five
(d) Two
(e) None of these

Question 3

‘P@Q’ means ‘Q is the mother of P’
‘P$Q’ means ‘Q is the husband of P’
‘P#Q’ means ‘Q is the sister of P’
‘P*Q’ means ‘Q is the son of P’.

Q3.1. If ‘A # B $ C * D * E’ then how is E related with B?
(a) son
(b) daughter
(c) Grand daughter
(d) Grand son
(e) None of these

Q3.2. If ‘A * B @ C * D # E’ then how is A related with E?
(a) son
(b) daughter
(c) Father
(d) mother
(e) None of these

Q3.3. If ‘A#B$C*D#E’ then how is B related with E?
(a) son
(b) daughter
(c) Father
(d) mother
(e) None of these

Q3.4. If ‘A # B $ C * D * E’ then how many male members are there in the family?
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four
(e) CND

Q3.5. C # A _ D $ B # F.  Which symbol will come at the empty place so that A is sister in law of B is definitely true?
(c) #
(d) @
(e) None of these

Question 4 

There are seven members in a family. J is the mother of K and mother in law of E. C is the daughter in law of N. E is the son of C who is married with F. G is spouse of E. There are only two married couple in the family.

Q4.1. How is G related with J?
(a) Daughter
(b) Son in law
(c) daughter in law
(d) Wife
(e) Husband

Q4.2. How is K related with E?
(a) aunt
(b) Sister
(c) brother
(d) CND
(e) None of these

Q4.3. How many male members are there in the family?
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five
(e) CND

Q4.4. How is F related with G?
(a) sister in law
(b) wife
(c) mother in law
(d) brother in law
(e) none of these

Question 5

P is son of U’s father’s sister. R is son of S, who is the mother of T and grandmother of U. V is the father of W and grandfather of P. S is wife of V.T is sister of R.

Q5.1. How is P related to S?

(a) Grandfather

(b) Grandson

(c) Son

(d) Uncle

(e) None of these

Q5.2. How is R related to P?

(a) Nephew

(b) Uncle

(c) Son

(d) Father

(e) None of these

Q5.3. How is T related to W?

(a) Niece

(b) Sister

(c) Sister – in – law

(d) Mother

(e) Mother – in – law

Question 6

Five family members V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing north. Each of them somehow has a relation with V, who sits third to the right of his daughter. There are only two females in the family. X is an immediate neighbor of his mother. Y sits third to the right of Z, who sits at one end of the line. V sits with his wife. X is brother of W, who is niece of Z. Y doesn’t have any sibling.

Q6.1. How is Z related to V?

(a) Father

(b) Mother

(c) Brother

(d) Can’t be determined

(e) None of these

Q6.2. How is Y related to W?

(a) Mother

(b) Father

(c) Brother

(d) Can’t be determined

(e) None of these


Question 7

‘A – B’ means ‘A is brother of B’ ‘A × B’ means ‘A is father of B’ ‘A = B’ means ‘A is mother of B’ ‘A + B’ means ‘A is sister of B’ ‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is husband of B’

Q7.1. ‘R is nephew of S’ which of the following expression support the given relation?

(a) R + P × W = T ÷ S

(b) R + C – M × J ÷ S

(c) S ÷ D + H = F = R + G

(d) R = Y – L ÷ N = S

(e) none of these

Q7.2. In statement ‘G = A – N ÷ O = W ’ how is W is related to A?

(a) Mother

(b) paternal-grandmother

(c) mother-in-law

(d) Aunt

(e) Cannot Determine

Question 8

‘M + N’ means ‘M is the sister of N’.

‘M = N’ means ‘M is the father of N’.

‘M – N’ means ‘M is the mother of N’.

‘M × N’ means ‘M is the brother of N’.

‘M ÷ N’ means ‘M is the son of N’.

‘M $ N’ means ‘M is the daughter of N’.

‘M @ N’ means ‘M is the husband of N’.

Q8.1. Which of the following means F is grandfather of L?

(a) L × M + N ÷ P @ Q – J – T =F

(b) L × M + N ÷ P @ Q – J × T = F

(c) F × M + N ÷ P @ Q – J × T = L

(d) L + M + N ÷ P @ Q – J × T = F

(e) None of these

Q8.2. How is R related to G according to the given sequence? N × G + P ÷ T ÷ R @ K

(a) Father

(b) Grandfather

(c) Grandmother

(d) mother

(e) None of these

Question 9

Y has a son and a daughter. P is the son of M.T is the mother of J. Y is the father of U. U is the daughter of T. Q is the son of D. T is the sister of D, who is married to P.

Q9.1. How is P related to T ?

(a) Brother

(b) cannot be determined

(c) Brother-in-law

(d) Cousin brother

(e) Uncle

Q9.2. How is J related to D ?

(a) Son

(b) Niece

(c) Son-in-law

(d) Nephew

(e) Daughter

Q9.3. How is Q related to M ?

(a) Son-in-law

(b) Grandson

(c) Nephew

(d) Son

(e) Cannot be determined

Question 10

A#B means A is father of B A&B means B is daughter of A A%B means A is mother of B A@B means B is husband of A A*B means A is son of B

Q10.1. If “ N % T* R * J @ P ”is true, if X is sister of P, then how is X related to R?

(a) sister

(b) grandmother

(c) daughter

(d) aunt

(e) none of these

Q10.2. If “L # M % N * O # Q ”is true, then how is Q related N?

(a) sister

(b) brother

(c) daughter

(d) brother

(e) Can’t be determined

Q10.3. If “L # M % N * O # Q” is true, then how is N related to L?

(a) sister

(b) grandfather

(c) daughter

(d) niece

(e) none of these

Q10.4. Which of the following represents that “E is grandson of A”?

(a) B # A & D % E @ F

(b) A & D % E * B # F

(c) A & D & E # F @ B

(d) A @ B # D # E & F

(e) none of these

Q10.5. If “ B @ A# D # E * F ”is true ,then how is F related to A?

(a) daughter-in-law

(b) son-in-law

(c) grandmother

(d) grandfather

(e) none of these

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