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Quantitative Daily Question – Dated 10 May 2018

Number of Question – 15                                                 Timing – 15 Min




Number series

1. 16, 8.5, 9.5, 21, 88, ?

a) 512

b) 624

c) 712

d) 848

e) 976


2. 28, 32, 23, 39, 14, 50, ?

a) 1

b) 5

c) 14

d) 24

e) 62


3. 4, 9, 17, ? , 69, 139, 277

a) 28

b) 35

c) 42

d) 51

e) None of these


4. 5, 6, 16, ?, 244, 1245

a) 28

b) 55

c) 57

d) 61

e) None of these


5. 3, 14, 39, ?, 155 , 258

a) 84

b) 88

c) 92

d) 96

e) 104


Age Problem

6. A person‘s present age is two-ninth of the age of his mother. After 10 years, he will be four-eleventh of the age of his mother. How old is the mother after 15 years?

a) 48 yrs

b) 60 yrs

c) 55 yrs

d) 53 yrs

e) None


7. Ratio of the ages of A and B is 5 : x. A is 18 years younger to C. After nine years C will be 47 years old. If the difference between the ages of A and B is same as the age of C, what is the value of x?

a) 13

b) 12

c) 14.5

d) 13.25

e) None


8. 16 years ago, my Uncle was 8 times older than me. After 8 years from today, my uncle will be thrice as old as I will be at that time. Eight years ago, what was the ratio of my age and my uncle‘s age?

a) 11:53

b) 13:45

c) 8:29

d) 5:32

e) None


9. The sum of present ages of A and B is 11 times the difference of their ages. 5 years hence, their total ages will be 13 times the difference of their ages. What is the present age of elder one?

a) 35yrs

b) 20yrs

c) 25yrs

d) 30yrs

e) None


10. The average age of a husband-wife and their son was 42 years. The son got married and exactly after 1 year a child was born to them. When the child became 5 years old, the average age of the family became 36 years. What was the age of bride at the time of marriage?

a) 30yrs

b) 27yrs

c) 25yrs

d) 22yrs

e) None


Simple interest

11. Out of a sum of Rs 850, a part was lent at 6% SI and the other at 12% SI. If the interest on the first part after 2 years is equal to the interest on the second part after 4 years, then the second sum is

a) Rs 350

b) Rs 280

c) Rs 170

d) Rs 220

e) None


12. A sum of Rs. 550 was taken as a loan. This is to be paid back in two equal installments. If the rate of interest be 20% compounded annually, then the value of each installment is :

a) Rs 360

b) Rs 280

c) Rs 250

d) Rs 320

e) None


13. A certain sum of money amounts to Rs.1300 in 2 years and to Rs. 1525 in 3.5 years. Find the sum and the rate of interest.

a) Rs 850, 10%

b) Rs 900, 12%

c) Rs 800, 13%

d) Rs 1000,15%

e) None


14. The simple interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 8% per annum is half the compound interest on Rs. 4000 for 2 years at 10% per annum. The sum placed on simple interest is:

a) Rs 1800

b) Rs 1750

c) Rs 2000

d) Rs 1655

e) None


15. A Woman took a loan of Rs. 15,000 to purchase a mobile. She promised to make the payment after three years. The company charges CI at 20% per annum for the same. But, suddenly the company announces the rate of interest as 25% per annum for the last one year of the loan period. What extra amount she has to pay due to the announcement of new rate of interest?

a) Rs 1230

b) Rs 1135

c) Rs 1080

d) Rs 1100

e) None

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