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Interview with RBI Officer – Sandeep Mittal


In our interview series, we have now interviewed Mr Sandeep Mittal, who is working as General Manager. He will share you tips and tricks about RBI preparation, and also share some glimpse on work culture and office life at RBI.


Q: Tell us something about yourself?

A: I am Sandeep Mittal, currently working as General Manager in RBI

Q: When and how did you join RBI?

A: 1999

Q: How did you prepare for RBI recruitment exam?

A: Regularly reading all the major newspapers like TOI, Indian Express and Banking specific journals like BSC, CSR etc.

Q: How was RBI interview experience?

A: Excellent. The Interview Board was very supportive and tested not only my knowledge but also expression of my view-points

Q: How is induction program for new recruits at RBI?

A: Very Good

Q: How is your experience in RBI so far?

A: I am very happy so far

Q: How do you compare RBI job with other career in private and government sector?

A: Better work life balance than other jobs

Q: What is your one piece of advice to people seeking career in RBI?

A: Work not only on academics but rather overall personality development. RBI job gives reasonably good career growth opportunities



As the saying goes “Hard work brings success”. And being at India’s premier most organization is worth every effort.We will continue our series of interview with RBI officers. If you have any question on this interview, please feel free to ask in the discussion thread below.

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