IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2018-19

IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Exam was conducted on 18th November 2018. The Interview for IBPS PO 2018-19 was held February 2019. IBPS released IBPS PO 2018-19 Cut-Off Marks and result on 1st April 2019 on its official website i.e. ibps.in. IBPS PO 2018-19 Final Cut-Off Table and Reserve List Cut-Off Table are mentioned below. So, candidates can check IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2018-19 here
IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2018-19: Category-wise
Category |
SC |
ST |
UR |
HI |
OC |
VI |
ID |
Scores |
55.34 |
47.33 |
53.02 |
63.91 |
34.69 |
50.69 |
56.11 |
43.69 |
Minimum Scores |
35.78 |
31.60 |
40.29 |
43.87 |
25.16 |
31.36 |
42.09 |
20.36 |
IBPS PO Reserve List Cut-Off 2018-19
Category |
SC |
ST |
UR |
HI |
OC |
VI |
ID |
Scores |
35.38 |
31.05 |
39.91 |
43.42 |
NA |
30.42 |
40.71 |
NA |
IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2018-19
IBPS has released IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Cut-Off Marks. The Section-wise & Category-wise cut off for IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Exam are mentioned below:
IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Cut-Off: Subject-wise
Serial No. |
Subject |
Maximum Marks |
Cut Off (SC/ST/OBC/PwD) |
Cut Off (General) |
1. |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude |
60 |
7.50 |
10.25 |
2. |
English Language |
40 |
7.50 |
11.25 |
3. |
Data Analysis & Interpretation |
60 |
2.25 |
4.50 |
4. |
General Economy & Banking Awareness |
40 |
5.00 |
8.00 |
5. |
English Language (Descriptive) |
25 |
8.75 |
10.00 |
IBPS PO 2018 Mains Cut-Off: Category-wise
Category |
Cut Off Marks |
74.50 |
68.38 |
SC |
56.38 |
ST |
35.75 |
HI |
42.63 |
OC |
53.25 |
VI |
66.88 |
ID |
37.00 |
IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Board (IBPS) has released IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off Marks. The Section-wise & Category-wise cut off for IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Exam are mentioned below:
IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off: Category-wise
Category |
Cut Off Marks |
General |
56.75 |
55.50 |
SC |
49.25 |
ST |
41.75 |
IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off Score For General Category:
Subjects |
English Language |
Quantitative Aptitude |
Reasoning Ability |
Total |
Maximum Score |
30 |
35 |
35 |
100 |
Cutoff Score |
08.75 |
07.75 |
9.00 |
56.75 |
IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2017
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Board has finally released IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2017. The cut-off will neable candidates to compare their score with the selected candidates and a get a fair idea of the minimum qualifying marks required to get the appointment letter from IBPS.
Category |
Maximum Score |
Minimum Score |
SC |
53.20 |
38.56 |
ST |
54.74 |
33.73 |
57.18 |
43.02 |
UR |
65.58 |
47.04 |
HI |
45.42 |
25.07 |
OC |
51.11 |
38.53 |
VI |
74.14 |
45.88 |
ID |
44.38 |
28.87 |
IBPS PO 2017 Mains Cut Off:
IBPS has released IBPS PO 2017 Mains Cut Off and Score Card. To get a clear idea of the IBPS PO Mains Cut Off, let’s have a look at the Cut-Off mentioned below:
Following are the category-wise cut off of IBPS PO Mains 2017:
Category |
Cut-Off |
82.00 |
75.63 |
SC |
62.50 |
ST |
42.25 |
VH |
77.87 |
ID |
55.00 |
HI |
47.75 |
OC |
59.63 |
Following are the section-wise/test-wise cut off of IBPS PO Mains 2017:
Serial Number |
Sections |
Maximum Marks |
Cut-Off Marks (SC/ST/OBC/PWD) |
General |
1. |
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude |
60 |
7.50 |
10.25 |
2. |
General Economy/Banking Awareness |
40 |
8.25 |
11.25 |
3. |
English Language |
40 |
3.25 |
5.75 |
4. |
Data Analysis & Interpretation |
60 |
10.75 |
14.00 |
5. |
English Language (Descriptive) |
25 |
8.75 |
10.00 |
IBPS PO 2017 Prelims Cut Off:
Cutoff Score For General Category:
Subjects |
English Language |
Quantitative Aptitude |
Reasoning Ability |
Total |
Maximum Score |
30 |
35 |
35 |
100 |
Cutoff Score |
05.00 |
07.75 |
10.00 |
42.75 |
Category-wise Cut-Off (2017 Prelims)
Category |
Cut off |
Scheduled Caste (SC) |
36.00 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) |
28.50 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) |
42.25 |
General (Gen) |
42.75 |
Hearing Impaired |
15.75 |
Orthopaedically Challenged |
28.75 |
Visually Impaired |
23.25 |
Intellectual Disability |
17.75 |
IBPS PO Mains Cut Off(2016):
Sr.No. |
Name of the Test |
Maximum Marks |
Cutoff |
General |
1. |
Reasoning |
50 |
03.25 |
05.25 |
2. |
English Language |
40 |
02.25 |
04.75 |
3. |
General Awareness |
40 |
08.00 |
10.75 |
4. |
Computer Awareness |
20 |
05.00 |
06.50 |
5. |
Quantitative Aptitude |
50 |
10.75 |
12.50 |
Category-wise Cut-Off (2016)
Category |
Cut-offs on Total (Out of 200) |
Scheduled Caste (SC) |
41.75 |
Scheduled Tribe (ST) |
31.50 |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) |
52.50 |
General (Gen) |
52.50 |
Hearing Impaired (HI) |
37.00 |
Orthopaedically Challenged |
34.00 |
Visually Impaired (VI) |
37.50 |
IBPS PO 2016 FINAL Cut Off:
Provisional Allotment
Category |
SC |
ST |
UR |
OC |
VI |
HI |
Maximum Score |
46.30 |
45.10 |
50.20 |
57.40 |
52.70 |
55.20 |
40.50 |
Minimum Score |
33.70 10/09 /91 |
28.60 30/06 /92 |
37.00 06/06 /95 |
39.90 28/08 /93 |
31.40 12/12 /90 |
33.10 01/04 /86 |
25.40 22/12 /86 |