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English – Unseen passage for Class 2 | Reading Comprehension exercises

Unseen passage or reading comprehension passage is an important element of class 2 English syllabus. We have atleast 1-2 questions in every English exam with unseen passage for class 2. This covers important aspect of reading and writing portion of English language. As you are reading new comprehension passage for the first time, it tests your skill as a reader, your vocabulary, and your writing skills. And once you are solving questions from the unseen passage, your writing skills are checked thoroughly.

Students need to do rigorous practice of unseen passage for class 2 exams. They need to solve unseen passage having descriptive questions or mcq questions before going to their exams.

In this article, we have shared some practice unseen passage for class 2 exam. Students can attempt these reading comprehension passages and check their preparedness for the exam.

Unseen passage for class 2

Students can find the unseen passage for class 2 for practice. Please read the passage carefully, and solve the questions.  You are also advised to keep a timer while solving such reading comprehension questions.

Unseen passage 1 – Source: Deccan Herald

Quietly, in a small house in the city, a wife was preparing her husband’s bed. The man, weak and frail, tottered towards it, while she quickly rushed to support him. Having helped him to bed, she adjusted his diaper and tucked him in. As she turned the lights off, she sent out a silent prayer, that he should go before her. She would manage to survive without him but he couldn’t, so the prayer.

The father sat by the bed of his young daughter, as she sank lower and lower, felled by disease. He prayed that she goes gently and her suffering would end soon. His life would be full of misery and grief but she would find peace. He was ready for the trade-off.

The old teacher trudged along the path, clutching some books and an umbrella. A few young girls passed by, briefly nodding at her. “Of course, She is the principal’s favourite as she works extra hours and with more dedication. But that’s only because she doesn’t have any family, no husband or kids to care for,” they whispered about her, not realising that she worked with sincerity not because she has no family but due to the fact that she loved her job.

The priest cleaned the prayer hall with devotion. His mind was full of God and he sang the almighty’s praises quietly as he worked. This was his calling, his passion. He didn’t care about religion or rituals but only about Him. His love showed in his work, his dedication and his service. He was getting a salary, no doubt, but he was also getting something that no one could put a price tag on.

The soldier lovingly placed his uniform and medals in the suitcase before proceeding on leave. He was going to see his newborn and was excited. But not as much as he was excited while defending his country’s borders and peace. He loved his family but loved his country more.

  • Question 1: What is this passage about?
  • Question 2: What is common about old teacher, priest and soldier?
  • Question 3: Why are wife and father wishing for death for their loved one?

Unseen passage 2 – Source: The Tribune

The climate crisis will test India’s adaptive capacity to the hilt. The famed resilience of the agriculture sector will come under severe strain, with water scarcity assuming alarming proportions. Also under scrutiny will be the five goals announced by PM Modi at CoP26 in November last year: net-zero carbon emissions by 2070; 500 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2030; fulfilling 50 per cent of the country’s energy requirements from renewable sources by 2030; reducing total projected carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes; and lowering carbon intensity by 45 per cent. These goals are rather ambitious, virtually impossible to achieve without requisite financial support.

The Union Budget 2022-23 has been a disappointment on this front. The budgetary allocation for a statutory body, the Commission for Air Quality Management, has been reduced. The funds for some environmental organizations and regulatory boards have also shrunk. Such cost-cutting raises doubts about India’s commitment to clean energy and climate action. We won’t become future-ready unless there is an all-round sense of urgency about mitigating climate risks.

  • Question 1: What are the 5 goals as announced at Cop26?
  • Question 2: Why is budget not up to mark to achieve Cop26 goals?

Unseen passage 3 – Source: Indian Express

A friend recently shared a clip from the animated series Sonic Boom, which features a football game with a character Amy Rose, who, as she is about to kick the ball, says, “It all comes down to this one penalty kick. Can the young woman break the glass ceiling and prove once and for all that a female can be just as good as an athlete as a male?” To this, another character, Knuckles, responds, “You know Amy, anytime someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo.”

Knuckles, a super-powered hedgehog, has given us something to think about the current discourse on a woman’s experience of the world. About the possibility of living as a woman without proving a point and secondly, about the interpretation of gender today as a competition between men and women.

  • Question 1: What is Sonic Boom about?
  • Question 2: What is this article about ?


In this article, we have shared practice unseen passage for class 2 exams and tests. Student from other classes or those who are preparing for competitive exams can use these passages for practice too (like reading comprehension for IELTS or CAT). In case you want to match your answers for these unseen passage questions, you can mail your answer to us.

In case you are struggling to solve unseen passage questions, you can check how to solve unseen passage article.

You can also contact Xamnation support team for help regarding English unseen passage questions for Class 2 exams. We have experienced English teachers, who will guide you properly, and make you proficient in these types of questions.  You can mail to or fill in our contact form, and our counselors will reach you.

Check also: Online coaching for Class 2 English

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