RBI Grade B cut off
RBI Grade B is one of the most prestigious and respected government job, and it come next to UPSC Civil Services in term of social status, job satisfaction and career growth. RBI recruits every year at its entry-level positions for Grade B(managerial post) and Assitant (Clerical post). RBI conducts its exams for RBI Grade B during June-Aug and for its Assitant post during Nov-Dec. RBI grade B exams is conducted in 2 phases + interview.
Difficulty level of RBI Grade B exam
RBI Grade B exam is of the moderately difficult level and generally is tougher than typical Bank PO and SSC level exams. You need to prepare yourself from CAT level material (for Phase 1) , and for UPSC level material (for ESI and English of Phase 2). Phase 1 exam is basically a speed test, where you need to solve 200 questions in 2 hours. RBI grade B cut off for phase 1 is generally close to 100 marks (out of 200).
RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam pattern
RBI Grade B phase 1 has 4 subjects:
- General Awareness - 80 marks
- Reasoning - 60 marks
- English - 30 marks
- Quantitative Aptitude - 30 mark
RBI Grade B cut for paper 1 and paper 2
RBI Grade B Paper pattern
Quantitative aptitude is most tough and least scoring section in RBI Grade B paper, whereas Reasoning is most scoring section in RBI Grade B paper.
Analysis of individual Sections
Caution : As the paper is not available so the following analysis is based on discussion with various aspirants and online sources
[tabby title="General Awareness"]
General Awareness
Question can be divided into following category Major classifications
- Banking Awareness (major portion)
- Current Affairs
- General
Further Subtopic Classification
- Currencies
- Headquarters of FIs
- Regulation of FIs
- Social Sector Schemes
- Amendment in any scheme
- Important Days
- Awards
- Important Places
- Books & Authors
Few salient points about the question asked
- As the exam was on June, most of the current affairs were from the month of April or at most last 3-months (Feb-Apr).
- Any of serious candidate which has done the current affairs of months of Feb, March and till mid May can easily secure around 40-45 marks out of 80.
- Further, one or two questions were about government scheme launched within last one year.
- Few questions were from some changes in current schemes like in Gold Monetizing schemes etc.
- Few questions were from Budget. Whoever listens to the budget speech carefully can easily answer those question.
If observed, overall it is at the moderate level and not difficult to clear the cut-off for phase I exam for General Study section. In fact, it can help in clearing the overall Cut-off. Detail strategy about general Study preparation is discussed in here. [tabby title="Reasoning"]
- Aspirants rated overall difficulty level moderate.
Topics |
Number of Question |
Syllogism |
5 |
Seating Arrangement |
5 |
Puzzle |
10 ( 2 sets) |
Input Output |
5 |
Data Sufficiency |
5 |
Inequality |
5 |
Coding Decoding |
5 |
Miscellaneous Questions |
5 |
- This one is scoring section and can help in clearing the overall cut-off.
[tabby title="Quantitative Analysis"]
Quantitative Analysis
- Aspirants rated overall difficulty level moderate to high
- Question Classification
Data Interpretation |
Partnership |
Profit & Loss |
Sequence and Series |
Average |
Time, Speed & Distance |
Boats & Streams |
Simple Interest & Compound Interest |
Ratio & Proportion |
Time & Work |
- Question was on higher difficulty level if compared with other banking exams.
- As in all exams,the game is to complete question in minimum possible time which can be gained only through practice.
- So if one have serious prepared even half of the above topics can easily get 15 questions correct within half an hour.
- One quick preparation tip to aspirants who cannot devote much time to preparation
- while preparing for this section rather than targeting to all the topics of quantitative section target few topic first
- Practice many question on these topics to be able to do the question quickly.
- Then proceed on further topics.
- Detail strategy will be discuss in separate article
[tabby title="English"]
- Student rated the English paper easier compared to last year paper.
- Question Classification
Spotting Error – 5 Questions |
Reading Comprehension – 2 passages |
Cloze Test – 10 Questions |
Fillers – 5 Questions |
- Very less grammar was asked.
- Comprehension was not that difficult. Spotting error was very easy
- Even one with little preparation for English can easily get 10-15 questions right and with practice, one can easily get 20-25 questions right in less than 15 min.
- Easier question does not mean that one should not prepare for English, as you never know about examiner mood he can throw a difficult question in next exam. And you also have to be prepared for other exams as well.